ALICE 2020

10th International Workshop on Adaptive Learning via Interactive, Collaborative and Emotional approaches

In conjunction with 3PGCIC-2020: 15th International Conference on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing

October 28-30, 2020, Yonago, Tottori, Japan


Accepted papers have been included in the Proceedings of 3PGCIC-2020, published by Springer in the Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems Series, vol. 158.


Many researchers and developers argue that learners must be meaningfully engaged in the learning process for effective learning to occur. Engaging learners long enough to see them through to the end of a course is one of the most significant issues faced today in online education by learning engineers. Learning tools and resources are today more effective, interactive, and easily accessible than ever. Moreover, Artificial Intelligence based approaches, such as the use of conversational pedagogical agents and learning data analytics, promise to create beneficial synergies to relevant learning dimensions, resulting in students' greater participation and performance while lowering drop-out rates and improving satisfaction and retention levels.

Nevertheless, many online education approaches still follow one-size-fits-all instruction with limited commitment to learner-learner and teacher-learner collaboration. Learners expect to be in control of their learning experience while in a supportive and collaborative environment. They expect the course material to be motivating, challenging, well linked to their prior knowledge and relevant to everyday lives and careers. For instance, MOOCs have been reported as an efficient and important educational tool, yet there is a number of issues related to their educational impact, such as an important number of dropouts during a course, little participation, and lack of learners' motivation and engagement overall.

The 10th International Workshop ALICE 2020 aims at providing a forum for innovations in educational technologies for learning engineering especially designed to improve the engagement of learners in learning experiences. Works that combine adaptive techniques with approaches based on AI, conversational agents, learning and academic analytics are welcome as well as works describing approaches based on gamification, affective computing, social learning, storytelling, interactive video and new forms of assessment aimed at improving learners' motivation and teachers' experience. For this edition, special emphasis is given to approaches based on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing for Education in line with the topics of interest of the main conference 3PGCIC-2020.

Academic researchers, professionals and practitioners are invited to report their ideas, models, designs and experiences on the proposed topics. Empirical results from real users in learning and training settings are particularly welcome in order to evaluate and discuss the impact of the proposed innovations.


The main topics of interest, within the scope of Learning Engineering, include, but are not limited to:




This workshop has been organized in collaboration with the project colMOOC “Integrating Conversational Agents and Learning Analytics in MOOCs”, co-funded by the European Commission within the Erasmus+ program (ref. 588438-EPP-1-2017-1-EL-EPPKA2-KA).