ALICE 2011

International Workshop on Adaptive Learning via Interactive, Collaborative and Emotional approaches

In conjunction with INCoS-2011: 3rd International Conference on Complex, Intelligent, and Software Intensive Systems

November 30 - December 2, 2011, Fukuoka, Japan


Accepted papers have been included in the Proceedings of INCoS-2011, published by IEEE Conference Publishing Services (CPS). They are accessible through IEEE Xplore digital library

Knowledge constructive jigsaw as an adaptive learning framework: Its design principles and network supports
Naomi Miyake, CoREF, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan


Despite a great potential and some initial successes, e-learning systems do not yet have the impact that many believe is possible. Moreover, the gap seems to be increasing because of the greater expectations of the current generation (Digital Natives) who have grown up with modern technology. There are also more general problems. In particular, an over-emphasis on cost effectiveness has meant that content is often not as strong as it needs to be and this deficiency has contributed to a lack of user engagement and some high attrition rates. Studies have consistently highlighted the important relationship between engagement and learning, with students who are highly motivated being more likely to engage in the learning process.

The International Workshop ALICE aims at providing a forum for innovative adaptive e-learning combining aspects of personalization, collaboration, interactivity and emotion management to contribute to the overcoming of the quoted limitations of current e-learning systems and content. Special emphasis is given to environments that are engaging, challenging and context aware while enabling learners' demand of empowerment, social identity, and authentic learning experience.

The expected contributions should be able to effectively involve learners in educational, cultural and informative activities. Empirical results from real users in real learning and training settings will be very valuable in order to evaluate and discuss the impact of the proposed innovative features. Academic researchers, professionals and practitioners are invited to exchange their experiences and ideas about problems and solutions related to the design, development and use of advanced and innovative learning systems and applications. Researchers can report their ideas, models, designs and experiences on the proposed topics.


The main topics of interest within the scope of Adaptive e-Learning include, but are not limited to:





This workshop has been organized in collaboration with the project ALICE “Adaptive Learning via an Intuitive, interactive, Collaborative, Emotional system”, partially supported by the European Commission under the VII Framework Program, Theme ICT-2009.4.2, Grant Agreement n. 257639.